Doing Life Together

Life Groups are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place. Considering that the early church worshipped in large settings in the synagogues as well as in homes, we unite together similarly in order to be in deeper fellowship with God and one-another. God has reconciled us not only to Himself but also to each other. This "each other" is called His Church. Thus, we intentionally strive toward community through men's/women's groups, home gatherings, and other personal settings.







ISCIPLE is an approach to Bible Study that emphasizes disciplined reading of and listening to Scripture.  It results in biblically nourished persons committed to live as disciples. 

During the course, DISCIPLE groups move through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.  The Scripture for each session follows the chronological movement of the biblical story. 

DISCIPLE groups consist of twelve members and a leader and meet weekly (Monday evenings) for 2 hours, for a period of 20 weeks (2 semesters).  Each participant makes a commitment to daily preparation (30-45 minutes per day) and weekly attendance at the group study sessions. 

DISCIPLE aims at transformation, not just information, inviting students to submit themselves to examination by Scripture, to put themselves under the power of God’s word, and to be changed by God’s word.

Consider this opportunity to read and study the Bible with your pastor in a small, committed group and be challenged in your discipleship.  

If interested, please contact Pastor Ken at

Women's Book Club


Besides great discussions, the Cheshire UMC women’s book club offer a warm time of fellowship and fun in the homes of its members.  The group reads a variety of books.… bestsellers, classics, fiction, and non-fiction on various topics. The women’s group, Booklettes, gathers every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm.  The ladies enjoy lively conversation and although we sometimes get off topic, we do manage to have meaningful discussions about our monthly reads. In August, both groups will gather at the home of a member for a BBQ and swimming. You do not have to have read the book to attend as we understand that at times busy lives get in the way of finishing a book. This is a good way to meet new people in a small group setting and we warmly welcome all!

Men's Book Club

Besides great discussions, the Cheshire UMC men’s book clubs offer a warm time of fellowship and fun in the homes of its members.  The group reads a variety of books…. bestsellers, classics, fiction, and non-fiction on various topics.  The men's group, although nameless, meets every 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month.  The guys enjoy lively conversation and although we sometimes get off topic, we do manage to have meaningful discussions about our monthly reads.  In August, both book groups will gather at the home of a member for a BBQ and swimming. You do not have to have read the book to attend as we understand that at times busy lives get in the way of finishing a book. This is a good way to meet new people in a small group setting and we warmly welcome all!

Explorers Adult Group

Here's an example of what we've been doing in the Explores Class this year:   Explorers Group meets in Room A at 9 a.m. on the theme: THE AMERICAN PROTESTANT EXPERIENCE: A FREE MARKET FOR FAITH--The End of Christendom in America   (WHAT?!)  Let's explore this together with DVDs and group activities.  Coordinators are Len Mecca, Sergio Deganis, and Carolyn Hardin Engelhardt.

Chancel Choir

We rehearse every Wednesday evening beginning at 7:30 pm.  Join us!

To hear a sample of our choir click here.

Something New

The Something New Group concept was devised to provide an opportunity for those who wanted to gather in casual conversation during the day over a cup of coffee or tea with no other necessary thing to bring or do and with no agenda. It is for both men and women of all age groups and from all walks of life! The group meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at the church at 11:00 AM.

Chris Driscoll, Ginny Ludwig, and Marge Jordan are the coordinators and organizers.